Below is the correct sequence for CR Report Installation. Please make sure the correct version of "SAP BusinessObjects BI platform .NET SDK Redistributable 64bit" is installed for the SAP Bussiness One version that you are using.
For SAP Business One 10.0 FP2311
- SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework (version:
- SAP Crystal Reports for SAP Business One (version 51057511.ZIP
- Only CR 2020 SP3 P6 for SAP Business One is supported. See SAP Note 3100066.
For SAP Business One 10.0 FP2308
- SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework
- SAP Crystal Reports for SAP Business One
- Only CR 2020 SP3 P3 for SAP Business One is supported. See SAP Note 3100066.
For SAP Business One 10.0 FP2305
- SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework (version:
- SAP Crystal Reports for SAP Business One (version 51056352.ZIP
- Only CR 2020 SP3 for SAP Business One is supported. See SAP Note 3100066.
For SAP Business One 10.0 FP 2208
- SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework (version:
- SAP Crystal Reports for SAP Business One (version
- Only CR 2020 SP2 P4 for SAP Business One is supported. See SAP Note 3100066.
Install with below steps:
1. Install SAP Business One Client and CR runtime from B1 package folder: \Packages.x64\Client or just the CR Runtime, if SAP Business Client was not uninstalled.
2. Install crystal report 2020 SP2 P4 (FP2208) or 2020 SP3 P4 (FP2305) for SAP Business One
3. Install "SAP Business One Crystal Report Integration Package" from \Packages.x64\SAP CRAddin. "SAP BusinessObjects BI platform .NET SDK Redistributable" with be installed automatically with the correct version.
If the prior installation of CR2020 is unsuccessful, follow below steps to uninstall.
1. Uninstall "SAP Business One Crystal Report Integration Package" from B1_SHR\CR Integration or Control Panel.
2. Uninstall "SAP BusinessObjects BI platform .NET SDK Redistributable" from B1_SHR\CR Integration or Control Panel. Please note when you run the SBO Crystal Report Integration Package the second time, it will uninstall the SAP Business Object.
3. Uninstall Crystal Report CR 2020 from Control Panel.
4. Uninstall SAP Business One Client (optional)
5. Uninstall "SAP Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework (64-bit)"
6. Uninstall all other CR components, if any. Include 32bit SAP Business Objects.
7. Restart the server.
8. Delete folder C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects
9. Delete registry
SBO 10.0 FP2022 and prior
Below is the correct sequence for CR2020 installation for SBO 10.0 FP2022
- Install CR 2020 Designer from SAP Installer. Please make sure run it after installation to initialize the application
- Install DI-API 32 bit from B1_SHR folder
- Install SAP Business One Client from B1_SHR folder
- Install Crystal Report Integration Package from B1_SHR folder (SAP CRAddin Installation)
Below is the correct sequence for CR2016 installation with SBO 9.3
- Install SAP Business One Client from B1_SHR folder
- Install CR 2016 Designer from SAP Installer. Please make sure run it after installation to initialize the application
- Install Crystal Server Integration B1_SHR folder (Crystal Server Integration folder - SAP BusinessObject 4.2) *
- Install Crystal Report Integration Package from B1_SHR folder (SAP CRAddin Installation)
If prior installation failed, please uninstall with below sequence:
- Uninstall Crystal Report Integration Package from B1_SHR (CR Integration folder)
- Uninstall Crystal Server Integration from B1_SHR (Crystal Server Integration folder - SAP BusinessObject 4.x)
- Uninstall CR 2016/2020 Designer from SAP Installer
- Uninstall BOERuntime For Business One from Control Panel
- Uninstall SAP BusinessObjects BI platform .Net SDK Redistributable from Control Panel
- Uninstall SAP Crystal Reports runtim engine for .Net Framework from Control Panel
- Uninstall SAP Business One Client from B1_SHR
- Uninstall CR Run-time from Control Panel
- Uninstall SAP DI-API 32 bit and 64 bit from Control Panel
- Restart Server (*must do*)
- Delete folder 'C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects'
- Delete folder 'SAP Business One Client', ** Skip if there are already SAP addons installed **
- Delete folder 'SAP DI API'
- Delete all files in these folder
%userprofile%\AppData\Local\SAP - Restart Server (*optional*)
The version of SAP BusinessObjects Business Intelligence Platform (SAP BI) and Crystal Report shall match.
For Crystal Reports 2011, install SAP BI 4.0
For Crystal Reports 2013, install SAP BI 4.1
For Crystal Reports 2016, install SAP BI 4.2
More information is available in below SAP Note:
2218873 - Error crw32.exe - Entry Point Not Found
2329487 - Crystal Reports for SAP Business One Matrix
Common Issue 1 - JAVA is Missing with MSVCP140.dll
When running CR Designer the fist time and display below message.
Solution :
Install Java and make sure below files exist in C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_221\bin folder.
Java Download Website
Manual Download Page
32 bits
64 bits
Common Issue 2 - 80040154 Class not registered
Deploying a 32 bit VS .NET application to a 64 bit OS. When run the 64-bit SAP Business One client to Save or Save-As Crystal Layout, below error message appear:
"Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {4DB2E2BB-78E6-4AEA-BEFB-FDAAB610FD1B} failed due to the following error: 80040154 Class not registered (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG))"
This could be due to the integration issues in DI-API 32bit and/or DI-API 64bit, or corruption in the SLD that has a missing hardware key after SLD upgrade.
Ideally, the IIS 'Enable 32bit application' shall be done prior to SLD installation.
- Enable 32bit application in the IIS app pool (SAP Note 1632776),
- Install 32bit DI-API. If does not work, install SAP Business One 32bit client.
How to enable 32bit application in the IIS app pool ?
- Ensure IIS is enable in Control Panel - Program & Features - Turn Windows features on or off.
- Select 'IIS Management Console' and update.
For Windows Server 2012
Enable 32bits Application in IIS
- Open IIS (in Windows Administrative Tools)
- Go to current server – > Application Pools
- Select the application pool your 32-bit application will run under
- Click Advanced setting or Application Pool Default
- Set Enable 32-bit Applications to True
For Windows Server 2016/2019
Enable Web Server in Control Panel - Turn Windows Features on or off.
Select Web Server (IIS)
Select IIS Management Console and click Install.
Step 1. Right-click on DefaultAppPool and select 'Set Application Poo Defaults...'
Change Enable 32-Bit-Applicaitons default value from 'False' to 'True'.
Step 2. Right-click on DefaultAppPool and select 'Advanced Settings...'.
Change Enable 32-Bit-Applicaitons default value from 'False' to 'True'.
If the SLD was reinstalled or above steps are still not working, try below steps:
Uninstall DI-API 64 bit
Uninstall DI-API 32 bit
Restart Server
Reinstall DI-API 32 bit (Please make sure the SLD Server Name enter correctly)
Reinstall DI-API 64 bit (Please make sure the SLD Server Name enter correctly)
More information available in SAP Note:
1632776 - Error: 80040154 Class not registered
Common Issue 3 - Fix Missing CR Addon Missing from Toolbar
After install or upgrade SAP Business One 9.3, you find the Add-ins option is missing from the toolbar.
1. Close CR designer.
2. Locate the command Prompt → run as Administrator.
3. Run the following command:
cd “C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86\”
4. Run the following command:
crreg.exe DotNetExternalCommandAdapter.dll -gac -regasm
More information available in SAP Note:
2655011 - Add-ins Option Is Missing in Crystal Reports 2016
Common Issue 4 - libOCAHelperw.dll or libOCAHelperw-5-0.dll is missing
An error message related to libOCAHelperw.dll or libOCAHelperw-5-0.dll appears after each of your actions.
- Go to the folder in which Crystal Reports designer is installed on the affected workstation; for Crystal Reports 2016 for SAP Business One, the default path is C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86 or \win64_x64 should the SAP Business One client is 64 Bits version.
- Manually backup and rename libOCAHelperw-5-0.dll in the designer path, e.g. rename it as libOCAHelperw-5-0.dll.bak
- Reopen the application
More information available in SAP Note:
1981495 - Error When Previewing Documents with Crystal Reports Layouts or Running Crystal Reports
Common Issue 5 - Previous SAP BusinessObjects BI platform 4.x have not uninstalled completely
The product may cause issues for the new installation, if the previous product is not uninstalled completely.
1. Go to Start > All Programs > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs and uninstall all SBO patches in reverse order.
2. Select the base install of SAP BusinessObjects BI (SAP BusinessObjects BI platform 4.0), click on remove.
3. Once it is finished, reboot the server once.
4. Remove SAP BusinessObjects folder from <Install Directory>Program Files.
5. Click on Start > Run > type regedit, which will open Windows registry window.
6. Right click on My computer and take the backup entire registry by clicking on export.
7. Clean the following location in the registry •-HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Business Objects
• HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\SAP Business Objects
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE>Software>SAP Business Objects
• HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\SAP Business Objects
8. Go to C:\documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp. The Local Settings folder may be hidden.
9. Click on enable the option for “Show hidden files and folder” and uncheck the option for “Hide protected operating system files (Recommended)”
10. Backup the Temp folder and delete all the files inside Temp. Don’t delete the Temp folder.
11. Go to C:\WINDOWS.
12. Search for “Installer” directory.
13. Enable “Author” details.
14 .Delete all the files with “SAP Business Objects” as Author
More information available in SAP Note:
Common Issue 6
It could be due to corruption in the Crystal Report Design installation, it could not be open.
Below error message appear when saving new layout into SAP.
'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.ReportDocument' threw an exception
1) Uninstall Crystal Report Design, CR Integration and SAP Client.
2) Install Crystal Report Design, SAP Client and CR Integration.
Common Issue 7
Unable to install CR Integration. This is due to incompatibility issue.
Below error message will appear when installed with SBO 10.0 FP2022 with CR 2016 Designer.
Please try below steps:
1) Uninstall CR 2016 Designer
2) Uninstall SBO Client and DI-API
3) Restart computer
4) Install CR 2020 Designer
5) Install DI-API 32 bit
6) Install SBO Client
7) Install CR Integration
Common Issue 8
Below error message appear when Edit CR Report in SBO Report & Layout Manager. It is due to miss-matched of SBO 10.0 and CR 2020 Designer installation sequence.
Please try below steps:
1) Uninstall CR 2020 Designer
2) Uninstall SBO Client and DI-API
3) Delete %Temp% and %userprofile%\AppData\Local\SAP
4) Restart computer
5) Install CR 2020 Designer
6) Install DI-API 32 bit
7) Install SBO Client
8) Install CR Integration
Common Issue 8
Below error message appear when preview CR layout after Crystal Report Design was installed.
Open below folder in File Explorer,
C:\Program Files (x86)\SAP BusinessObjects\SAP BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 4.0\win32_x86 or win64_x64
Manually backup and rename rasauditingw.dll to rasauditingw.dll.bak. Restart SAP Application to test.
Refer SAP Note in