Please follow below steps to setup and run SAP Extended Tax Report. 

Disclaimer : SAP provide relevant data to assist in the BAS Reporting however has no obligation to provide the specific format to meet ATO requirement. Please consult your local tax agent.

Step 1 - Enable Extended Tax Reporting in Company Details

Modules - Administration - System Initialization - Company Details. 

Click 'Yes' to proceed.

Select desired tax reporting period. For example, by month.

Click 'Update' button to complete the setup.

Step 2 - Generate Tax Report

Modules - Financials - Financial Reports - Accounting - Tax - BAS Report Generation

Select the desired period and posting date. 

Select relevant tax codes or double-click on the column 'Selected' to select all.

Click 'Add' and 'OK' button to confirm and exit.

Step 3 - Preview Tax Report

Modules - Financials - Financial Reports - Accounting - Tax - Tax Report

Select tax reporting period and type of output, for example Tax Declaration.

Sample of tax report.