Please follow below steps to test SBO Service Layer.
1) Test Service Layer Services
Service Layer Documentation
Service Layer Control Panel - Login with B1SiteUser
Service Layer Logon Window
Below logon screen will appear if the service is working. Please do not logon from this screen.
2) Download and install PostMan App, or similar tool to test API connection
3) Test Logon with below POST script
https://<ServerName>:50000/b1s/v1/Login?CompanyDB=<Company DB>&UserName=<User name>&Password=<Password>
eg. https://SAPSERVER:50000/b1s/v1/Login?CompanyDB=SBODemoAU&UserName=manager&Password=1234
Expected output
If encounter below error,
Check Body tab, ensure the parameter is entered correctly.
4) Test data retrieval with GET script
https://<ServerName>:50000/b1s/v1/<API Reference>
eg. https://asg611915:50000/b1s/v1/Items
Below is the expected output.